Upgrading of the boatyard areass
23 February 2021
Replacement of the settling tanks in the west and east boatyard areas
The project had already begun. It is now a reality. Major renovation work began in mid-October, with the aim of replacing the settling tanks in the west area managed by JEF MARINE and the east area belonging to FMES.
The Old Port of Golfe-Juan is working to replace the settling tanks in its two boatyard areas, thereby improving filtering capacity and reducing the impact on the natural environment.
A 100% eco-friendly approach
As well as significantly improving treatment of the wastewater generated directly by work carried out in the boatyard areas, this upgrade will eventually also enable us to treat the first three minutes of rainwater flow. As a result, any residue will be “washed out” of the boatyard areas without any impact on the environment. This is a true step in the right direction, because the previous settling tanks were unable to perform this function. We must keep in mind that the initial objective of this €200,000 upgrade project (by no means a small amount!) was not to offer the site a new selling point, but first and foremost to protect the environment.
This initiative is fully aligned with our overall commitment, thanks to which the Old Port has maintained its “Clean Port” certification since 2014.